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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Achieve Anything You Want in Life

Achieve Anything You Want in Life
       Feeling stuck in life is nothing new to me.

As a professional athlete for 20 years and competing in the 2008 Summer Olympics, I’ve trained with some of the best coaches on the planet. 

When I wanted to start my own company, sharing my motivational psychology and training knowledge with others, it wasn’t as easy as Achieve Anything You Want in Life I thought it would be.

Starting a business is not easy. You have to give up the security of a stable paycheck in order to embark upon an unknown path. There are a lot of things that hinder us from taking this leap, including fears and insecurities. And one in particular: motivation.

While I was an athlete, I understood what was different. I remembered what (or who) pushed me to do even when I didn’t want to. As an athlete, I had structured days to follow how to achieve anything in life and the benefit of a coach to push me and motivate me.

I finally reached this stage of my career and I started an online coaching service, Onbotraining, to help others reach their goals. I decided to share the lessons I’ve learned along the way with those seeking their betterment, like you.

The following are my top 10 pieces of advice on achieving anything in life.

1. Commitment is more important than motivation.

Just how committed are you to your goals? How important (and what are you prepared to sacrifice) in order to achieve them? If you're fully committed to your goals, motivation will lead the way.

2. Learn, don’t just look for results.

Your motivation will always be fueled if you focus on the excitement of exploration, improvement, and experimenting. If your focus is only on results, your motivation will wane the moment you hit a storm. 

It is important that you focus on the journey, not the destination. Think about what you are learning as you go along, and how you can improve.

3. Make the journey enjoyable.

I absolutely love it! But as soon as you get serious, it's likely to carry a heavy emotional weight that will confuse you and cause you to lose your perspective.

4. Stop thinking about stagnant things.

Your thoughts influence your feelings, and your feelings define how you view your work. A lot of thoughts pop into your head, so you always have a choice about which ones to focus on: you will stop moving forward. The emotions that hold you back emotionally are those rooted in fear and doubt. The positive ones are those that will motivate you to try new things, make you uncomfortable and help you grow.

5. Utilize your imagination.

In the first step after eliminating one's negative thoughts, you must use your imagination. When things are going well, one is full of positive energy, and when difficulties arise, one must be even more energetic. So try renaming your situation. It is impossible to imagine what feelings will be evoked if you keep repeating I hate my work. Regardless of who you work for, you can always find something to learn. I also have a great exercise for you: Think, say, and do only positive things for three days.

6. Make your self-kindness a thing of the past.

Motivation is achieved through action and action brings results. Sometimes your actions fail to yield the result Achieve Anything You Want in Life. So you choose to be kind to yourself and not put yourself in a difficult situation. If you wait on the right moment, for the perfect opportunity, you will stagnate and sometimes even sink into depression. Get out there, challenge yourself - do what excites you, do it regardless of your fear.

7. Get rid of all distractions.

Meaningless things and distractions will always appear, especially those easiest, usual things you would rather do than devote yourself to meaningful new projects. A lesson to learn: focus on those most important tasks. Make a list of time-wasters and hold yourself accountable to not do them.

8. Don’t count on anyone else.

Neither your partner, friend or boss can help you achieve your goals. They all have their own requirements. Nothing can make your life happier or get your goals accomplished for you. They're all your responsibility. How can achieve anything in my life that wants

9. Create a plan.

Understand the three steps forward. You do not need more. Prepare your weekly calendar, noting when and how you will do what. When-what-how is key to planning. Review how each day went by what you learned and how to improve.

10. Avoid burnout by taking care of yourself.

When you are motivated, it is easy to burn out. Observe yourself for signs of exhaustion and give yourself time to relax. Your mind and body rest when you schedule fun times and relaxation for your week. Work diverse tasks, do things creative and logical at the same time, physically and still. Switch between working alone and with a team. Switch locations. Meditate, or just take a deep breath, close your eyes, or concentrate on one thing for five minutes.

There is no reason you are never motivated. Even the biggest stars get lost sometimes. What motivates them is their curiosity about how much better or faster they can become. Above all, have a good attitude because it is the only thing that will take you to success with your goals and You Achieve Anything You Want in Life.

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